Selvom du ikke har haft mulighed for at deltage i DeiC konference 2019, er der stadig en mulighed for at se sessionerne fra spor 1 og plenum.
NORDUnet har nemlig optaget sporet, og herunder kan du finde de enkelte præsentationer på video.
At forstå stjerners struktur kræver god forskningsinfrastruktur
Professor Anja C. Andersen, Niels Bohr Instituttet
A data what? Preliminary investigations into the role and qualifications of Data Stewards
Evgenios Vlachos, Research Librarian, University of Southern Denmark
Lorna Wildgaard, Data Management Specialist, Copenhagen University Library/The Royal Library
Open Science - what's all the fuss about?
Jon Tennant, Research Fellow, IGDORE, the Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity, Paris, and SDU
Panel session
Fiona Murphy, Murphy Mitchell Consulting Ltd/Associate Fellow, University of Reading, UK
Jon Tennant, Research Fellow, IGDORE, the Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity, Paris, and SDU
Data management by design
Bo Bai, Aalborg University
Karsten Kryger Hansen, Aalborg University
Data licenses and practices of data licensing
Rasmus Rindom Riise, Copenhagen University Library/Royal Danish Library
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) and what it can do for you
Anne Sofie Fink Kjeldgaard, The Danish National Archives
EOSC-Nordic and how to offer your services via EOSC
Lene Krøl Andersen, Project Manager, EOSC-Nordic & Head of eScience Center, DeiC
Ilja Livenson, WP Lead, EOSC-Nordic & Software Architect, Estonian Scientific Computing Infrastructure
Implementing the Danish Strategy for National Collaboration on Digital Research Infrastructure
Velkomst ved Bestyrelsesformand John Renner Hansen, DeiC
The Finnish way for supporting digitalization in research and education
Kimmo Koski, Managing Director, CSC
Multi-centre clinical research using FAIR data
Leonard Wee, Maastro, Netherlands
A machine learning practitioner’s take on challenges in data management
Chris H. Bahnsen, Post-Doc, Visual Analysis of People Lab, Aalborg University
Why should I waste my time with research data management?
Fiona Murphy, Murphy Mitchell Consulting Ltd/Associate Fellow, University of Reading, UK
How can storage infrastructure enable research data management?
Michael Hennecke, HPC Chief Technologist, Lenovo
Open and FAIR Data: EU Policies in Horizon 2020 and beyond
Daniel Spichtinger, EU Research Policy Specialist, Austria