NeIC is a Nordic organization developing and operating e-infrastructure solutions.

Foto: NEIC
NeIC (Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration) develops and operates in e-infrastructure solutions in areas of common Nordic interest. NeIC is a distributed organization comprised of technical experts from high performance computing centers within the Nordic countries.
The collaboration began in 2003. Since 2012 NeIC has been a part of NordForsk, a research organization under the Nordic Council of Ministers.
DeiC is involved in a number of projects and activities within NeIC, including:
- Glenna - cloud collaboration for Nordic researchers
- Pool Competencies SG
- Share Resources SG
- Tryggve - securing sensitive personal information
- Nordic Cloud Collaboration Planning group
- Collaborative Infrastructure for Scientific Software Collaboration – SG
DeiC CEO Steen Pedersen is on the board of NeIC.
01 Dec 2021