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Program Day 1

The DeiC conference is held on 26-27 October 2022 at Comwell Kolding. The program is continuously updated.

Go to - Program day 2


Registration, coffee, exhibition is open


Opening keynote​​​

Peter Lauritzen, Universitetsdirektør, Roskilde Universitet, Formand for Universitetsdirektørudvalget



Developing EOSC

Karel Luyben, President of the European Open Science Cloud Association (EOSC-A)



Platform for fremtidens digitale forskningsinfrastruktur

John Renner Hansen, Bestyrelsesformand og Gitte Kudsk, CEO, DeiC



Welcome and practical information

Gitte Kudsk, CEO, DeiC 



Coffee break


Track 1

Data Management

Er astronomi FAIR?

Dr. Rasmus Handberg, Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Fysik og Astronomi


Er astronomi FAIR?

Indenfor astronomien er der en lang tradition for åben og international deling af forskningsdata og resultater. Dette fokus er vokset endnu mere inden for de seneste år, men har egentlig været praktiseret i årtier. Så er astronomien FAIR, uden måske helt at vide det?

Jeg vil bl.a. give eksempler fra NASA missionerne Kepler og TESS, som vi på Aarhus Universitet har været dybt involveret i. Disse sattellitmissioner blev opsendt med formålet at finde planeter omkring andre stjerner (exoplaneter) og studere svingninger i stjernerne. Men det viser sig at data også kan bruges til en masse andet videnskab - så måske er en åben data politik en god idé!


Track 2

HPC and eScience

MeluXina - building-up a modern world-class supercomputer

Valentin Plugaru, CTO, LUXprovide


MeluXina - building-up a modern world-class supercomputer

LuxProvide is the High Performance Computing Centre of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and operates the MeluXina supercomputer, one of the first systems in the EuroHPC network. Designed to tackle a large variety of complex workloads, MeluXina has been built with modularity and efficiency in mind, arriving in 2021 as the greenest supercomputer in the EU, 4th in the world, and 36th most powerful. This talk will highlight key lessons learned from the planning phase to the daily operation of the facility.


Track 3


eBPF: Safely observe and extend your operating system

Toke Hoiland-Jørgensen, Principal Kernel Engineer, Redhat


BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter): Safely observe and extend your operating system

Have you ever been frustrated by the time it takes to get a new feature into your operating system? Does the OS kernel seem like an inscrutable black box? With BPF, this no longer has to be the case! BPF is a new technology pioneered by the Linux kernel which allows safely injecting arbitrary code into the kernel to extend functionality and observe the running system, while preserving high performance. In this talk, we'll give an overview of the technology, and dive into how this capability can be leveraged to implement novel functionality without having to change the kernel itself, with a special focus on networking use cases.


Track 4

Network and services

Net og Tjenester – oversigt og alt det nye

Martin Bech, Chef for Forskningsnettet, DeiC



Track 1

Data Management

IBM Quantum – hvordan ser kvante computer landskabet ud nu og i fremtiden og hvor er vi på vej hen – hvorfor er det vigtigt at kende til kvante computer også i HPC sammenhænge?

Jan B. Lillelund, CTO, og Morten Petersen, Data & AI Senior Solution Architect, IBM Danmark


IBM Quantum – hvordan ser kvante computer landskabet ud nu og i fremtiden og hvor er vi på vej hen – hvorfor er det vigtigt at kende til kvante computer også i HPC sammenhænge?

Kom og hør IBM’s CTO omkring Quantum Computing og hvilke nye problematikker vi er i stand til at løse og hvordan IBM ser Data Management i HPC sammenhænge.

IBM Quantum Computing

  • Kvante computer i HPC miljøer
  • Status hvor er vi i dag indenfor Quantum Computing

IBM Data Management

  • Data indsigt og tilgængelighed
  • Intelligent Data tiering

Track 2

HPC and eScience

MeluXina - building-up a modern world-class supercomputer (fortsat)


Track 3


Hvordan arbejder Sundhedsdatastyrelsens med Sundhedsdata og sikkerhed

Søren Bank Greenfield, Afdelingschef, Cyber- og Informationssikkerhed, og Ole Fisker, Technical Security Analyst, Sundhedsdatastyrelsen


Hvordan arbejder Sundhedsdatastyrelsens med Sundhedsdata og sikkerhed

Få svar på spørgsmål som:

  • Hvordan samarbejder sundhedssektoren omkring arbejdet med cyber- og informationssikkerhed?
  • Hvilke værktøjer bruger DCIS sund og sektoren til at samarbejdet?
  • Hvilke samarbejdsformer har vist sig at være gode?
  • Hvad er næste skridt for samarbejdet?

Track 4

Network and services

Polar Connect - a connection over the North Pole. Why is this important?

Valter Nordh, CEO, NORDUnet





Track 1

Data Management

Training & Tools


SSH Open Marketplace – View into SSH research practice

Matej Ďurčo, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Austrian Academy of Sciences, DARIAH/SSHOC


FAIR data and software training – TU Delft experiences

Paula Martinez Lavanchy, Research Data Officer, TU Delft


CodeRefinery - a hub for FAIR Software practices

Radovan Bast, Research Software Engineer, NeIC


SSH Open Marketplace – View into SSH research practice

The Social Sciences and Humanities Open Marketplace -  - is a discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities: tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows. The Marketplace highlights and showcases solutions and research practices for every step of the SSH research data life cycle.

The SSH Open Marketplace was built as part of the SSHOC project and acts as a thematic entry door into the EOSC. The discovery service is now funded and maintained by three European Research Infrastructures Consortia - DARIAH, CLARIN and CESSDA - as part of the SSH Open Cluster.

This talk presents how the SSH Open Marketplace can provide insights into the use of tools, methods and standards in the SSH research community, and how it can increase serendipity in the discovery of new methods and standards, by interlinking the records and describing workflows.


FAIR data and software training – TU Delft experiences

TU Delft Library published its vision for Research Data & Software management training in 2019. The training programme outlined in this document aims at enabling TU Delft researchers to work more efficiently and reproducibly, and following the FAIR principles, with the research data and code of their projects. In this presentation, the speaker will share her experiences and lessons learned when creating, setting up and running some of the more relevant courses within this vision.


CodeRefinery - a hub for FAIR Software practices

CodeRefinery is a project which supports students and researchers across all academic disciplines by advancing the FAIRness of research software and development practices so that they can collaboratively develop, review, discuss, test, share, and reuse their codes.  This initiative teaches the software engineering practices which are needed for modern collaborative computational research but are often missed in a traditional university curriculum.

Thus far, over 2000 students and researchers have been trained.  The project currently focuses on the Nordic/Baltic countries, but aims to expand beyond this region. CodeRefinery aims to operate as a community project with support from academic organizations.

In this contribution we will share our experiences and lessons learned from developing and evolving the lesson curriculum and course format, from organizing over 50 events and from growing a community of instructors and research software engineers with the goal of improving software engineering practices and thus the quality of computational research and engineering. We will summarize which development tools and practices we have found to be essential and offer recommendations on where to start and how to progress.


Track 2

HPC and eScience

Running AI/ML in container on LUMI

Eske Christiansen og Christian Schou Oxvig, DeiC


Running AI/ML in container on LUMI

Hvordan kan man på en nem og sikker måde kører AI/ML på LUMI ved at bruge f.eks tensorflow elle pythorch. Demo af container-builder.


Track 3


Sundhedsdatastyrelsens erfaringer med DCIS

Søren Bank Greenfield, Afdelingschef, Cyber- og Informationssikkerhed, og Ole Fisker, Technical Security Analyst, Sundhedsdatastyrelsen


Sundhedsdatastyrelsens erfaringer med DCIS

Få svar på spørgsmål som:

  • Hvad er en DCIS og hvad laver man i DCISSund?
  • Hvilket ansvar har DCIS og de andre myndigheder?
  • Hvad var det første skridt?
  • Hvad er en ”operativ kapacitet”?
  • Hvad har vi lært og hvor mener vi at vi er gode nu?
  • Hvad ville vi have gjort anderledes?

Track 4

Network and services

Quantum key distribution: Data transmission with absolute security

A bit of theory and overview of the project

Tobias Gehring, Associate Professor, DTU Fysik



Track 1

Data Management

Training & Tools (fortsat)


Track 2

HPC and eScience

Trends Currently Shaping the Future of HPC

Jan Cordtz, Senior Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft Danmark


Trends Currently Shaping the Future of HPC

In this session we look at Microsoft’s view of what is currently shaping the future of HPC. We will discuss the following topics:

  • Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in HPC
  • HPC as a Service
  • Data Storage and Data Management
  • Cloud (and security)

Track 3


ISO27001 - i NGC (Nationalt Genom Center) 

Troels Tvedegaard Rasmussen, Specialkonsulent, NGC 


ISO27001 - i NGC (Nationalt Genom Center)

NGC har etableret et ledelsessystem for informationssikkerhed, og er i Juli måned 2022 blevet certificeret efter standarderne ISO 27001 Digital informationssikkerhed og ISO 27701 for privatlivsbeskyttelse – Der er efter NGC's oplysninger kun 3-4 offentlige organisationer i Danmark som er certificerede efter begge standarder. Forud for det er gået et meget stort og komplekst arbejde med at etablere em sikkerhedsmodel, som omfatter hele organisationen, alle relationer og hele HPC platformen.


Track 4

Network and services

ssh-CA - a simple, yet elegant method of linking ssh-login to the home institution's login

Mads Freek Petersen, Chief developer and evangelist, WAYF, DeiC


ssh-CA - a simple, yet elegant method of linking ssh-login to the home institution's login

Det er muligt (og ikke særligt kompliceret) at koble login med ssh til login på brugerens hjeminstitution (via WAYF). Kom og se det spændende proof-of-concept og hør om perspektiverne.



Track 1

Data Management

Long-term preservation of Research Data


Rigsarkivets arbejde i forhold til FAIR langtidsbevaring og tilgængeliggørelse af forskningsdata

Anders Raahauge, Enhedschef, Rigsarkivet


Context, approach, and progress of the EOSC-A Long Term Data Preservation Task Force

Roxanne Wyns, Chair of EOSC-TF and Innovation Manager, KU Leuven


Rigsarkivets arbejde i forhold til FAIR langtidsbevaring og tilgængeliggørelse af forskningsdata

Der redegøres i oplægget kort for Rigsarkivets formål og arbejde med FAIR-principperne, herunder også i fht. forskningsdata. Dernæst behandles selve langtidsbevaringen- og tilgængeliggørelsen af data, og der listes en række grundlæggende udfordringer i forbindelse med dette.


Context, approach, and progress of the EOSC-A Long Term Data Preservation Task Force

Trustworthy long-term preservation repositories ensure continued access to the data and metadata necessary to deliver a sustainable EOSC. Trust in scientific outputs and processes depends on the ability to reproduce, replicate and re-use scientific results depends on the long-term. The FAIRness of the underlying data depends on FAIR-enabling repositories. The EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) underlines the importance of long-term data preservation, but an explicit strategy has not been formulated.

The Long-Term Data Preservation Task Force (LTDP-TF) will provide recommendations on the vision and sustainable implementation of long-term data preservation policies and practices, as well as suggestions for strategy execution. The roles, responsibilities and accountability of the preservation and related actors within EOSC, including the financial aspects and possible business models all form part of the task force scope. The LTDP-TF will also provide recommendations on engagement through a European Trusted Digital Repository (TDR) network to define, evaluate and increase the maturity of preservation and FAIR enabling practices across disciplines and geographies. 

The presentation will highlight the context, activities and ongoing issues surrounding the EOSC-A Long Term Data Preservation Task Force.


Track 2

HPC and eScience

Challenges reaching exascale and the EuroHPC supercomputers

Abdulrahman Azab, Chief Engineer, Department for Research Infrastructure Services, University of Oslo, NeiC


Track 3


Den nye sektorstrategi for uddannelses- og forskningssektoren

Henrik Larsen, Chef for DKCERT, DeiC


Track 4

Network and services

Joint Communication and Computing, a path towards sustainable Internet of Things

Qi Zhang, Associate Professor, Head of Computer Engineering Program, Aarhus University


Joint Communication and Computing, a path towards sustainable Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) has shown great potential for different verticals, whereas it has also imposed many critical technical challenges. The ever-increasing, massive IoT data not only stress communication bandwidth and storage capacity, but also cause excessive energy consumption. Furthermore, the cost to extract the values and knowledge from, and provide end-to-end information security for, vast amount of data becomes non-trivial. IoT ecosystem calls for novel, sustainable solutions for sensor data acquisition, transmission, computing and storage. Conventionally, communication and computing are two theoretical disciplines that have developed independently. For example, data compression and analytics are usually designed independently. In this talk, a holistic design of data compression and analytics, and a joint data compression and encryption solution will be introduced as examples. The research outcomes have shown interesting opportunities to make IoT ecosystem more efficient and sustainable. 





Track 1

Data Management

Long-term preservation of Research Data (fortsat)


Track 2

HPC and eScience

Brug af Microsoft Azure i det lokale HPC anlæg

Ole Holm Nielsen, Senior HPC Officer, Department of Physics, DTU Orbit


Brug af Microsoft Azure i det lokale HPC anlæg

HPC regnecentre blive mere og mere udbredte, og lige som med generelle IT-systemer er det interessant at udforske, hvad "skyen" kan bidrage med omkring HPC.  På DTU Fysik kører vi et pilot-projekt med at integrere VM-servere i Azure skyen som compute-noder i Linux clusteret "Niflheim".

Med en VPN-tunnel har vi koblet Niflheim netværksmæssigt tæt sammen med Azure, og Slurm batch-køsystemet allokerer nu VM'er i Azure efter behov.  Azure har mulighed for NFS Blob storage af brugernes data i dette system.


Track 3


Hvordan virker MFA løsninger optimalt

Mads Freek Petersen, Systemudvikler og Mikkel Hald, Konsulent, WAYF, DeiC


Track 4

Network and services

UWCW - en europæisk fælles vejrtjeneste placeret på Island. Hvorfor nu det?

Thomas Kjellberg Christensen, Vicedirektør, DMI



Track 1

Data Management

Er offentlige myndigheders datadokumentation FAIR?


Sammenhængende metadata og Danmarks Datavindue

Peter Tibert Stoltze, Metode- og Analysechef, Danmarks Statistik



Eva Sandberg, Chefkonsulent, OPEN Region Syddanmark


Paneldiskussion ledet af Anne Sofie Fink, Chefkonsulent, DeiC og Jeppe Klok Due, Chefkonsulent, DeiC / KOR


Track 2

HPC and eScience

DeiC National Portal: federating national services

Claudio Pica, Professor, Syddansk Universitet


Projekt 5 status


Track 3


Præsentation af de aktuelle trusler og trends

Henrik Larsen, Chef for DKCERT, DeiC


Track 4

Network and services

Brug AIOps til at forbedre de studerendes oplevelse af netværket

Martin Bjerregaard, Senior Major Account Manager, Juniper Networks


Brug AIOps til at forbedre de studerendes oplevelse af netværket

Brug AIOps til at forbedre de studerendes oplevelse af netværket BYOD, IoT enheder, online forelæsninger, sikkerhed m.m. stiller stadig stigende krav til det underliggende netværk. Antallet af IT-ressourcer følger sjældent med i samme tempo. Derfor skal infrastrukturen simplificeres og AIOps skal implementeres for at sikre, at både de studerende og alle andre klienter på netværket har en god oplevelse.



Track 1

Data Management

Er offentlige myndigheders datadokumentation FAIR? (fortsat)


Track 2

HPC and eScience

LUMI overview. Status and demos.

Eske Christiansen og Christian Schou Oxvig, DeiC


LUMI overview. Status and demos.

Hvor er vi henne i forhold til LUMI og hvad kan vi forvente? Vi DEMOer forskellige ting og snakker lidt om status.


Track 3


Præsentation af de aktuelle trusler og trends (fortsat)


Track 4

Network and services

Store, manage, and curate your unstructured data – anywhere and forever

Kim Nielsen, Territory Manager; og Allan Breiner, Systems Engineer, Qumulo


Store, manage, and curate your unstructured data – anywhere and forever

  • No more platform lock-in or complexity – scale your storage with flexibility and simplicity
  • Manage your data at the edge, in the data center, or in the cloud platform of your choice
  • Unlock real-time data awareness, predictive cloud monitoring, and industry leading customer support


Break - check-in


Front Office – Back Office Meet and Greet

Primarily for employees in Front Office, Back Office, and the DeiC Board, but all are welcome



Reception with refreshments and snacks


Dinner in the restaurant and entertainment

Anne Skare Nielsen, Fremtidsforsker, Universal Futurists

11 Jan 2023
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