The EOSC-Nordic project is hosting the second online policy workshop, which will be held on 9 March 2021 at 10-15. At the event, participants will discuss the current status and the progress made for the EOSC-Nordic project, the status of EOSC and FAIR implementation in the Nordic region.
Participation in the workshop is free and open to everyone, but registration is required.
If you want to know more about EOSC-Nordic, you can visit the project webside or read: EOSC-Nordic: The project to build and integrate the European Open Science Cloud in the Nordic and Baltic region
Today's agenda looks like this:
10.00-11.00 (CET):
Status of Open Science in the Nordic countries and in the Baltic countries.
Panel discussion on EOSC development and new solutions.
Panel discussion on collaboration in an EOSC context.
You can read the detailed agenda and sign up for the event here: The second EOSC-Nordic Policy Workshop.