If you are a researcher or PhD student at a Danish university, you can now apply for access to resources at the national HPC facilities, including the Danish part of EuroHPC LUMI. The call is open to all research areas.

The call for applications for access to computing resources at the national HPC facilities are open. This also applies to the Danish part of EuroHPC LUMI.
"We are incredibly pleased that the extensive collaboration on the national HPC landscape is now resulting in the fact that we can open the first call for applications for the national resources. And we are very much looking forward to receiving exciting applications from all universities and research areas," says Gitte Kudsk, Director of DeiC.
As part of the employment of the national e-infrastructure landscape, DeiC allocates a part of the national resources upon application and on the basis of an assessment of research quality and the technical feasibility of the project.
The applications are evaluated by the appointed e-resource committee, and the allocation is approved by the board of directors of DeiC.
The deadline for the applications is on the 3rd of May 2022, and the resources will be available from the 1st of September 2022. In the future the applications must be submitted via e-grant, but unfortunately that will not be possible at this first call, instead applications must be sent by secure e-mail to: e-kald-ansoegning@deic.dk.
Questions must be directed to the universities' local Front Offices or via e-mail to: e-kald-support@listserv.deic.dk.