2020 was in the glow of Covid-19 an eventful year for DeiC.
The DeiC activity that has been most affected by the pandemic is without a doubt the video service Zoom.
The version of Zoom, which is offered to universities and institutions, has thus experienced homework up close. In connection with the repatriations in March 2020, there was an explosion in the number of users, and for the whole year, it became more than 15 million meeting hours.
Over the summer holidays, the number naturally dropped to rise again to new heights until Christmas. Incidentally, the trend seems to continue in 2021. Despite the very sudden and very heavy loads on the service, Zoom has still managed to keep the fort and thus been a stable video conferencing service throughout the year.
Milestones have also been achieved in the other areas such as HPC and data management.
In May 2020, the board decided to establish four national HPC centers as different consortia that the universities were behind. In November, two of the centers were able to open to users from all universities, and the first major step in the board's efforts to provide access to large computing resources for all Danish researchers was taken.
In the field of data management, the first edition of a national data management strategy based on FAIR principles was submitted for consultation. It is expected to be launched in mid-2021.
In the report, you can also find DeiC in selected figures, texts, and graphs as well as, of course, annual accounts for 2020.
You can find the annual report here (PDF) (Only in Danish).
Happy reading.