27 Jan 2023
“The Data Deluge” - Insights from Extreme Scale HPC Workshop with Oak Ridge National Laboratory
On September 20th, 2022, DeiC and ITU hosted a 1-day workshop in Copenhagen in the EuroCC project to explore new ways of working with very large amounts of data in modern research. Our guests from Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussed their vision for how to collaborate on open-source software, such as the Adaptable I/O System (ADIOS), to cope with this challenge.
04 Jan 2023
HPC Curriculum Seminar Digest - Developing National HPC Competences
The HPC landscape is developing at rapid speed these years, and we need to leverage knowledge and insights across research and industry to build skills and training to ensure contemporary national competences.
21 Nov 2022
Virtual SLURM learning environment ready for new HPC users
Ready to take the leap from DeiC Interactive HPC to DeiC Throughout HPC? Play in a virtual, interactive learning environment and improve your skills using our new online platform.
02 Aug 2022
Call for applications for National HPC resources
As a researcher or Ph.d. Student at a Danish university you can now apply for resources on the national HPC centers, including the Danish part of EuroHPC LUMI.
16 Jun 2022
Tilmeldingen til DeiC konference 2022 er åben
Nu er der åbnet for tilmeldingen til årets DeiC konference med fokus på modenhed og tilpasning.
04 Apr 2022
Danish support for LUMI is ready to help solve code issues
Two HPC specialists from DeiC are ready to help researchers adapt their code to the LUMI supercomputer.
01 Mar 2022
The first call for resources on the national HPC facilities is now open
NB: New application procedure!
If you are a researcher or PhD student at a Danish university, you can now apply for access to resources at the national HPC facilities, including the Danish part of EuroHPC LUMI. The call is open to all research areas.
If you are a researcher or PhD student at a Danish university, you can now apply for access to resources at the national HPC facilities, including the Danish part of EuroHPC LUMI. The call is open to all research areas.
21 Feb 2022
CodeRefinery Trainer in AI and GPU Computing at Aarhus University
Center for Humanities Computing, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, invites applications for a full-time position of CodeRefinery Trainer (AC-TAP) with responsibility for AI applications based at the Center for Humanities Computing at Aarhus University (CHCAA) and Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation (DeiC) at Aarhus University.
11 Feb 2022
World-class wind energy research builds upon supercomputing
High performance supercomputing has been essential for four scientists doing research in Meteorology, Climate and Wind Energy studies.
09 Feb 2022
EOSC-Nordic with successful LUMI access
EOSC-Nordic does calculations on the new pre-exascale supercomputer, LUMI, through one of the chosen Norwegian pilot projects for the new HPC system in Finland.