DeiC’s legal basis is described in the executive order BEK 615 of 26 May 2023 (in Danish).
DTU serves as the host university for DeiC, and its employees are employed by DTU.
DeiC is managed by a board, which, on behalf of the universities, is responsible for the overall and strategic management and operation of the collaboration.
The board appoints a director for DeiC, who is responsible for the daily management. The director is employed by the host university.
The daily management is responsible for DeiC’s operational activities, development activities, collaborative projects, and other initiatives decided by the board.
The DeiC Board
The Board is appointed by the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science based on nominations from Danish Universities, consisting of one person from the executive level of each university.
Organisational Chart

Management Structure
The director of DeiC and accountable to the board, is Director Gitte Kudsk. The management team, in addition to the director, includes Head of HPC+ Eske Christiansen, Head of Data Management Anne Sofie Fink Kjeldgaard, and Head of Quantum Computing Henrik Navntoft Sønderskov.
DeiC coordinates the delivery of digital research infrastructure provided by the universities.
DeiC’s Research Network is operated by DTU. The Research Network is considered a "subsidiary" of DeiC, and DeiC’s board is responsible for its budget and service portfolio. Head of the Research Network, Martin Bech, reports to DeiC’s director for the covered activities.
The delivery of other infrastructure services from the universities is regulated through agreements.
Reference Groups
To ensure a good dialogue with universities and involve users of the digital research infrastructure in national development, DeiC's board has established several reference groups. Members of the reference groups are nominated by their universities and represent their university in the reference group. The exception is the members of the Science Forum, who are nominated in their personal capacity.
The reference groups are divided based on their time frame with activities.
The operations of DeiC’s Research Network and its services are managed by the Head of the Research Network, who reports to DeiC’s director.
The operation of other infrastructures is handled by universities that have taken on the task. Daily operations will be coordinated across "Back Office" units, consisting of operational managers from universities and the heads of HPC+ and Data Management in DeiC.
The relevant back office collaboration is chaired by the DeiC manager.
In addition to the Back Office units, there is an Allocation Committee (e-resource committee) to receive and process applications for access to national resources in HPC and data management.
The Coordinating Body for Register Research (KOR) is an advisory body under DeiC, reporting to DeiC’s board. KOR aims to stimulate and strengthen Danish register research and help create greater cohesion and coordination around Danish and internationally related research activities concerning registers and databases.
1-3 Year Horizon
Reference groups for the 1-3 year horizon aim to monitor national and international activities in DeiC's main areas (HPC, data management, and research network and services) and advise the board on services, activities, and initiatives in these areas.
Net Forum
Net Forum aims to advise on developments in the research network, functional security, and services. The group consists of infrastructure managers from the universities. The current members are appointed for the period from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023.
HPC Forum
HPC Forum aims to advise DeiC's board on the development of national HPC infrastructure, participation in international collaborations and projects, and other initiatives to promote HPC use in Denmark. The current members are appointed for the period from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2025.
DM Advisory Forum
DM Advisory Forum aims to advise DeiC's board on the development of national data management infrastructure, participation in international collaborations and projects, and other initiatives to promote the area. The current members are appointed for the period from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2025.
Read more about DM Advisory Forum
Visionary Groups
The purpose of the Science Forum is to ensure infrastructure development that meets future needs. Members of the group are researchers who use the infrastructure and are at the forefront of its use.
Read more about the Science Forum
The purpose of communities is to provide space for experience exchange across universities within a specific area in a more informal structure.
HPC TekRef
HPC TekRef (technical reference group for HPC) is a forum for experience exchange between local and national HPC centers. Members are typically system administrators. The chair of the group is elected by the participants.
Net TekRef
Net TekRef (technical reference group for networks) is a forum for experience exchange between network and service operations units at the universities and research network operations and services. Members are typically network administrators from universities. The chair of the group is elected by the participants.