Knowledge Exchange (KE) explores in this European project opportunities to improve social and technical infrastructures in relation to reproducible publishing. Birte Christensen Dalsgaard from Aarhus University participates as a Danish expert in the project. The project is led by Juliane Kant (DFG) and Anna Mette Morthorst from DeiC.
- In this description you can get much more information about the Knowledge Exchange project with a focus on publishing reproducible research results and how you can contribute: Connecting the dots between research methods, academic cultures and technical solutions: Three reflections on publishing reproducible research outputs.
Reproducerbarhed er et grundlæggende fundament for videnskabelig forskning i tråd med Open Science og FAIR-principperne. Terminologien varierer, men kan defineres som muligheden for, at forskere kan anvende data og metode (kode) delt af andre til at opnå samme resultat som det originale studie. Det har betydning i alle dele af forskningsprocessen, mens der i indeværende projekt ses på publicering.
Projektet vil afdække praksis, barrierer og behov set fra forskerside, samt faglige forskelle. Det sker gennem et litteraturstudie, og et online survey og interviews. Det involverer relevante aktører i publiceringslandskabet, forskere, fonde og leverandører af infrastruktur og services som for eksempel forlag.
Reproducibility is a fundamental foundation of scientific research in line with Open Science and the FAIR principles. The terminology varies, but can be defined as the possibility that researchers can use data and method (code) shared by others to achieve the same result as the original study. It is important in all parts of the research process, while in the current project we are looking at publishing.
The project will uncover practice, barriers and needs from a researcher perspective, as well as professional differences. This is done through a literature study, and an online survey and interviews. It involves relevant actors in the publishing landscape, researchers, foundations and providers of infrastructure and services such as publishers.
We would really like to get in touch with researchers and relevant interviewees who can contribute to the project, so if you are interested in knowing more or would like to participate, you are very welcome to contact Anna Mette Morthorst from DeiC.
You can also follow the project on DeiC's website and on Knowledge Exchange's webside.